Tarmo ☆ 4w5 sp/sx 469 rLUAI ☆ he/him

press ctrl and +/- to zoom in/out if the layout looks weird

(not really mobile friendly? it works but not well)

website hit counter


13.3.24 small adjustments to make viewing easier, problems with audioplayers which I'm still trying to fix
14.12.23 finally made the first entry for my journal
10.12.23 was too lazy to do anything for a month but now I added a page I can just dump everything hide related in
10.11.23 added audioplayer to mute/pause autoplay music
8.11.23 pretty much finished the pages except for the fifth one, joined some webrings :3
7.11.23 started working on about me and stuff pages, fixed some mistakes in the code
6.11.23 added more pages, adjusted the theme
5.11.23 made a base for the site, added some fun things